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시각장애인을 위한 아이템: The Visual Assistance Card by Kyle Lechtenber
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작성자 특수교육.net
작성일 2010-12-17 (금)
분 류 ICT, 보조공학
ㆍ추천: 0  ㆍ조회: 3932      
시각장애인을 위한 아이템: The Visual Assistance Card by Kyle Lechtenber
Imagine being blind for a minute, and you have to go to the store to pick up a few things. You have everything in your basket ready to be checked out and since you have no cash in your pocket, you whip out the old trustworthy debit card. However, since debit/credit card machines have pretty much gone all digital, you will have to trust the clerk to help you with entering your private information. Yeah, pretty scary huh? Kyle Lechtenberg, an Industrial Design grad from Auburn University ? WAR EAGLE! ? placed himself in the shoes of the visually impaired and has created the Visual Assistance Card. The card lays on top of the debit/credit card reader and through the use of Braille imprinted on the card, the user is able to keep their personal information private thus increasing their independence while shopping in any store. The Visual Assistance Card is light weight and can be easily stored out of the way until future use. Definitely designed for usability ? a must in today’s world.
Designer: Kyle Lechtenberg

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윗글 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Braille Label Maker by Soonkyu Jang, Jieun Seo and Seung-un Kim
아래글 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Braille Interpreter by Hyung Jin Lim

29 ICT, 보조공학 청각장애학생 스마트러닝 수업모형 개발 특수교육
28 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애학생 스마트러닝 수업 모형 특수교육
27 ICT, 보조공학 정신지체학생 스마트러닝 수업모형(링크) 특수교육
26 ICT, 보조공학 장애학생 스마트러닝 개요 [1] 특수교육
25 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Voice Stick by Sungwoo Park 특수교육.net
24 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Siafu PC by Jonathan Lucas 특수교육.net
23 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Bright-F by Lifeng Yu 특수교육.net
22 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Braille Label Maker by Soonkyu Jang, Jieun Seo and Seung-un Kim 특수교육.net
21 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: The Visual Assistance Card by Kyle Lechtenber 특수교육.net
20 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Braille Interpreter by Hyung Jin Lim 특수교육.net
19 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Braille E-Book by Seon-Keun Park, Byung-Min W 특수교육.net
18 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Swatch Sens by Arnaud Lapierre 특수교육.net
17 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: Rubik Cube For Blind by Zhiliang Chen 특수교육.net
16 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인을 위한 아이템: B-Touch mobile phone Zhenwei You 특수교육.net
15 ICT, 보조공학 시각장애인용 소프트웨어 자료실 alja

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